
Review | MHDT Orchid – TDA1541 for Tube Rollers

It should be no mystery by now that I’m an avid fan of the TDA1541 monolithic D/A Converter. Despite its inability to keep up with the latest and greatest in absolute resolution, it still manages to impress due to (what people describe as) its innate musicality. The manufacturer, MHDT, makes a variety of DAC’s. There’s

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Review | Arteluthe La Piccola – This isn’t your grandfather’s monitor

In recent years, I’ve found myself becoming more and more a fan of stand-mount monitors. Indeed, there’s something seductive about a well executed two-way. The only problem, as many will be quick to point out, is the need to supplement such speakers with a subwoofer. I won’t disagree – how would one expect something with

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Review | Selah Audio Ritorno – Return of the 8″ two-way

If there’s one thing undeniable to every “audio enthusiast” out there, it’s that speakers are, undeniably, the most important part of the system. They have the biggest (some would argue the only) effect on the sound. That’s a topic for another day. Today, we’re talking about a rather wonderful two-way monitor. Prior to a couple

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